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Like Golf? Mario’s back in a classy way!

Like Golf? Mario’s back in a classy way!

The waiting period is over and Mario Golf Super Rush arrives for Nintendo Switch with essential aspects ranging from different game tracks to more ways to play. While it is true that the game has only 6 courses (with their respective 18 holes), there is an option for the curious that will allow them to get the best out of each course.

Besides, on this occasion, each course can be enjoyed in two ways: Standard Golf and Golf Against the Clock. The first mode allows you to use different options to increase the gameplay speed, while in the multiplayer mode you can only hit the ball once.

Time Trial Mode

If you decide to go for this option, you will have to keep all your attention on the energy bar, as this will be the key to perform impulses that will make us achieve victory. Being very useful in arid terrain, as well as to hit other players and make them lose coins.

Customizable gameplay

Regardless of the mode you choose, the game lets you customize everything to your liking, even the number of holes available, which will make the games shorter if you have little time. Special shots can also be modified.

Sensor and button control

Mario Golf Super Rush for Nintendo Switch has two ways to control the game: button and sensor. The buttons will still work as the previous games, while the sticks will serve to give trajectory. In addition, a higher or lower effect can be achieved when throwing by alternating the A or B button. It is worth mentioning that the sensor control will be available only if we play with the joy-con.

Toad is back

One of the most beloved characters in Mario Tennis Aces is Toad, so Nintendo brings him back to facilitate each game by performing updates and keeping us informed of what is happening on the court at all times.

Practice without limits

And if your thing is not golf, do not worry, Nintendo has prepared for this version an endless number of tutorials to improve the technique and know the terminology of this sport; explaining what is a putt or how we can improve our swing.

Play online

As expected, Mario Golf Super Rush for Nintendo Switch will feature online section. Nintendo has detailed that we will be able to play both with friends and strangers, facing each other via matchmaking (system that searches for other players of a similar level). Asimiso, it has the option that two players can play from the same console and use the Mii as characters in this section. To use the online functionality it will be necessary to be subscribed to the Nintendo Switch Online service.

Characters and surprises

So far, 16 characters have been confirmed. Their protagonists are: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, who will welcome debutants such as Pauline or Charging Chuck. But, as happened with Mario Tennis Aces, it is possible that the cast will be expanded after the launch.

The game will be developed in story mode and you can develop your character from scratch, giving way to hours of fun.

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What is digital detox and why should you do it?

What is digital detox and why should you do it?

If the current pace of life has forced you to be connected to phones and computers all the time and to want to share everything. You might need a digital detox.

We live in a world where the first and last thing we do every day is look at our cell phone. Being aware of social networks and wanting to share everything, from where we are, what we do, how we feel and even what we eat has become something (too) everyday. Notifications, groups, emails, messages. We are glued to screens all the time. Would we survive a few days without them?

The dependency to our cell phones, computers and the need to be always connected has become an addiction, as powerful as a drug and as harmful as well.

As an “antidote” to this modern addiction, the practice of “Digital Detox” has become popular.

Let’s define what Digital Detox is about…

Digital detox is a break, a pause, a moment to disconnect from your phone, tablet, computer and social networks. It is to abstain from using technological devices connected to the internet for a defined period of tim.

The duration depends on the period that each person establishes and the willpower to comply with it. You can start with a weekend, advance to a week of vacation or extend it up to a month off, because the idea is not to affect the daily life, or the responsibilities and duties of people, so it is recommended to do it in times off from work and studies.

Detoxification can be progressive. You can start little by little, with actions such as not posting on social networks for a few days or eating and going to the bathroom without taking your cell phone.

The detoxification process…

  1. Set a start and end date: A weekend, a week, 15 days or a month.
  2. Define the scope of your detox: It will be only of social networks or you will disconnect completely from the internet, you will not be able to use your cell phone, but you will be able to use the computer. You decide.
  3. Resist: Follow your limits and stay firm. In case you feel that the regime you set yourself is too strict, you can define a free hour in the day and during that time you can check your phone, tablet or computer in case there is any message, call or mail of importance.

Benefits of digital detoxification

  1. Rediscover your priorities: By not having to be sharing everything, all the time you will be able to focus on the things you did before, when you weren’t spending all your time “connected” to a screen.
  2. Take advantage of your free time: Ride a bike, go for a walk, walk your dogs, take swimming lessons, learn to dance or whatever you want, the time you regularly spend watching memes, series and viral videos can be invested in some relaxing activity.
  3. Reduce stress: Not having to be aware of whether they sent you the mail you were expecting or if you have so many notifications and unread messages reduces the burden of daily stress.
  4. Enjoy life: In the eagerness to share everything, we have stopped enjoying things. Now you can chat with your family, watch a movie with your friends, dance to your heart’s content at a party, sing at your favorite artist’s concert without having to worry about making a video for your Facebook page or taking a good picture to share on Instagram.