The English Box
Imperial vs. Metric System; Some facts to know!

Imperial vs. Metric System; Some facts to know!

The imperial system got its name due to the British Empire that ruled many parts of the world from the 16th to the 19th century. After the United States gained independence from Great Britain, the new U.S. government decided to keep this type of measurement, even though the metric system was gaining in popularity at the time, becoming one of the few countries in the world that still uses this system of measurement, in which things are measured in feet, inches, pounds, ounces, and so on. Most countries use the metric system, which uses units of measurement such as meters and grams and adds prefixes such as kilo-, milli- and centi- to count orders of magnitude.

Today only three countries – the United States, Liberia and Myanmar – remain (mostly or officially) attached to the imperial system, which uses measures of distances, weight, height or area that can ultimately be traced back to body parts or everyday objects. Unlike the metric system, these units are not easily divisible into parts of hundreds or thousands and are therefore considered by some to be inferior to those of the metric system. Critics of the metric system, which was created for ease of reference, in turn accuse it of being arbitrary.

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In the United States, the use of miles and gallons is the norm, although scientists use the metric system, new units such as megabytes and megapixels are also metric, and runners compete for 100 meters as elsewhere in the world. Myanmar and Liberia are the only countries in the world that have not yet officially adopted the metric system. In both countries, metric measurements are used along with imperial. But the countries have said they want to switch to metric or are in the process of doing so. The United States has also made many grandiose statements about using the metric system in the past, and even made metric “the preferred system of weight and measure” in 1975 (without officially abandoning the imperial system). However, the plan never came to fruition.

Handy Measurement Tips:

  • 1 mile equals 1.6 Kilometers
  • 1 foot (12 inches) is equal to 30 centimeters
  • 1 inch is about 25 millimeters or 2.54 centimeters
  • A 3-foot measurement is almost exactly 1 meter
  • 1 Kilogram is just over 2 pounds
  • 1 pound is about 454 grams
  • For U.K. people, 14 pounds = 1 stone *

The stone as a weight unit.

* The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass equivalent to 14 pounds (approximately 6.35 kg) The stone is still in common use in the United Kingdom and Ireland for body weight.England and other German-speaking countries in northern Europe formerly used various standardized “stones” for trade, the values of which ranged from 5 to 40 local pounds (approximately 3 to 15 kg), depending on the location and the objects weighed. With the advent of the metric system, the various European “stones” were replaced or adapted to the kilogram from the mid-19th century onwards.

A sixteenth century bronze weight of 1 stone with the English coat of arms

About temperature: Farenheit vs Celsius

Speaking of temperature, the scales are also different. We didn’t want to make it too easy for you. Americans measure temperature in Fahrenheit, not Centigrade/Celsius. You might turn on the TV and listen to the weather and hear that it’s 70 degrees outside. No, you’re not going to faint or be vaporized by the sun; 70 degrees Fahrenheit is actually very pleasant, about 21 degrees Celsius. The Celsius system has been used around the world since the mid-20th century, but, again, Americans clung to the original Fahrenheit system.

Why having a pet can be a life changer (and a life saver too).

Why having a pet can be a life changer (and a life saver too).

Having a pet has great benefits for both our physical and mental health, according to numerous studies. Some are known, but others go more unnoticed.

Perhaps the most obvious, as we have already advanced, is that pets help to avoid the feeling of loneliness. “The affection, support and loyalty that these animals show us, manifesting joy when they see us coming or claiming our attention to play, makes us feel loved showing that our company is rewarding for them, from this support and affection derives another of the benefits of having a pet: they improve self-esteem by favoring our own acceptance and positive outlook.

Today’s pace of life makes it difficult to avoid stress, a risk factor for many diseases. Did you know that pets reduce stress? Petting our pets, playing or walking with them can free us from the tensions that worry us on a daily basis, thus providing us with moments of relaxation and improving our mood. These situations cause a decrease in our body of the hormone cortisol, which is released with stress and can influence basic aspects of our rest, such as sleep,” says the psychologist.

Another of the most well-known benefits is that they encourage responsibility (by caring for and looking after your pet) and, in addition, help you to interact with other people. Responsibility can be extended to other areas of life, encouraging the establishment of routines and schedules.

They help fight diseases

According to numerous studies, animals have the ability to mitigate those feelings that we value as negative, in addition to providing us with their unconditional support, so they could help fight diseases such as depression. In addition, when we look at our pet, our brain releases a greater amount of oxytocin, also known as the happiness hormone.

Currently, pets such as dogs participate in what are known as animal-assisted interventions, which consist of incorporating an animal into a therapeutic or educational process as a complement to it and which is developed in a multidisciplinary way.

They currently work in many areas, for example, with the elderly with depression, Alzheimer’s and dementia; with young people and adults with mental illness, with people with autism, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy. As well as in hospitals, day centers, residences, and schools, among others.

During this lockdown, this measure implemented almost everywhere in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the short dog walk became a moment of relaxation, almost freedom, in a complex situation in which we no longer knew how to spend our time at home. Those months, for those who regularly live with animals, served to confirm something they already knew: their dog, but also their cat, fish, parakeet or guinea pig, to give a few examples, are much more than just a pet.

When is it best to have a pet?

The advantages of having a pet are beyond several and we can highlight the positive impact it can have on certain population groups, for example, in families with young children, where they enhance the development of the child both personally and socially. Also in the elderly, where they promote self-care for themselves and the animal. The role of these animals in adolescents is also remarkable. These children are in a difficult age of change and evolution, therefore, having a pet on which they have to focus their attention and is their responsibility helps them to learn different aspects of care and commitment, as well as support them in the expression of their emotions.

Adopt or buy?

If you’re considering getting a pet, this question is probably on your mind: is it better to buy or adopt? Both options can be valid although may be considered quite controversial. Nonetheless, what we can tell you is that when it comes to making a decision, keep in mind that in the United States alone, shelters house 6.5 million dogs and cats. In fact, during the lockdown period, adoptions skyrocketed in the United States and the rest of the world.

Before doing so, remember also that receiving the unconditional love of a pet entails a series of obligations: identify it, take care of its health and nutrition, and, by all means, NEVER ABANDON IT!

¿Por qué el IELTS es una de tus mejores opciones para certificar tu inglés?

¿Por qué el IELTS es una de tus mejores opciones para certificar tu inglés?

El IELTS (International English Language Testing System) es el examen de inglés más popular del mundo para trabajar, estudiar y emigrar. Más de 10.000 organizaciones confían en el IELTS como indicador fiable de la capacidad real de comunicarse en inglés. El IELTS evalúa el dominio de la lengua inglesa del examinando en cuatro destrezas: comprensión auditiva, lectura, escritura y expresión oral.

El IELTS, que se realiza mediante computadora o en papel, es el único examen de idiomas de alto nivel reconocido para la migración en Australia, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda y el Reino Unido. Centrado en las conversaciones humanas, IELTS fue pionero en la realización de pruebas de inglés de cuatro destrezas hace más de 30 años. Hoy en día, IELTS sigue marcando la pauta en los exámenes de inglés.

Esta prueba mide tu nivel de inglés general y no hace referencia a si tu inglés es británico o americano, teniendo una puntuación de 0 a 9, dependiendo de la cual quedará certificado tu nivel de inglés.

Formato del examen IELTS

El IELTS es un examen de las cuatro destrezas lingüísticas: comprensión oral, comprensión escrita, expresión escrita y expresión oral. Realizarás las pruebas de comprensión oral, lectura y escritura el mismo día, una tras otra, sin descansos entre ellas. Para la prueba de expresión oral, puede reservar un espacio en línea en la fecha y hora que prefieras. Si no eliges un turno dentro del plazo estipulado, se te asignará automáticamente un turno. La duración total de la prueba es inferior a tres horas.

Prueba de comprensión oral del IELTS (30 minutos)

Tendrás que escuchar cuatro grabaciones y luego responder a las preguntas que te hagan. Las grabaciones son de hablantes nativos de inglés y la duración de la prueba es de 30 minutos.

Prueba de lectura del IELTS (60 minutos)

La prueba de lectura del IELTS requiere que respondas a 40 preguntas y está diseñada para poner a prueba una serie de habilidades de lectura. Tendrás que leer lo esencial, las ideas principales, los detalles, los argumentos lógicos, la lectura por encima, y averiguar las actitudes, opiniones e intenciones de los escritores.

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Prueba de escritura del IELTS (60 minutos)

La prueba de escritura del IELTS requiere que completes dos tareas y cubre temas de interés general basados en el módulo que estás cursando.

Prueba de expresión oral del IELTS (11-14 minutos)

La prueba de expresión oral del IELTS evalúa tus conocimientos de inglés hablado. La prueba se graba y se realiza en tres partes.

¿Por qué es importante escoger el examen IELTS?

Te servirá como estudiante: Miles de las universidades y colegios más reputados del mundo aceptan los resultados del IELTS como prueba de dominio de la lengua inglesa.

Te servirá como profesional: Los organismos de registro profesional en muchos campos, como la contabilidad, la ingeniería, el derecho, la medicina, la enfermería, la farmacia y los organismos de enseñanza de muchos países aceptan los resultados del IELTS. Esto implica que tendrás que hacer el IELTS para conseguir el registro profesional en un país de habla inglesa.

Te servirá para migración: La mayoría de los gobiernos prefieren las puntuaciones del IELTS como prueba de tus habilidades lingüísticas que cualquier otra prueba de inglés como requisito para la residencia permanente. A diferencia de otros proveedores, el examen IELTS General Training es la única prueba no académica disponible para la migración a Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Canadá, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.

Es la prueba más adecuada para ti: Porque te evalúa en tus capacidades prácticas de comunicación y proporciona una evaluación precisa de las cuatro habilidades que se examinan. Se centra en comprobar tus habilidades lingüísticas más que tus conocimientos especializados como candidato y ofrece dos versiones: Académica (Academic) y de Formación General (General Trainning). Además, la prueba de expresión oral se realiza de forma individual con un examinador certificado.

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Consejos prácticos para preparar el examen IELTS

Mejorar en un idioma lleva tiempo, por lo que es importante que empieces a trabajar en tus habilidades con antelación. Utiliza estos consejos rápidos:

  • Lee, escribe y habla en inglés todo lo que puedas. Hazlo parte de tu vida diaria.
  • Crea un grupo de amigos y practica el habla en inglés.
  • Lee el periódico en inglés y escucha los canales de noticias o la radio en inglés.
  • Intenta escuchar una variedad de acentos ingleses: británico, australiano, americano, neozelandés y canadiense.
  • Ver películas en inglés con subtítulos.
  • Lee mucho para desarrollar tu velocidad de lectura.
  • Aprende a entender el contexto para poder escudriñar el contenido disponible en busca de respuestas.
  • Empieza a prestar atención a tu gramática, ortografía y vocabulario.
  • Aprende a ser preciso, pertinente y a respetar el número de palabras requerido.

El contenido del examen IELTS es desarrollado por un equipo internacional de expertos y se somete a una amplia investigación para garantizar que el examen sea justo e imparcial para cualquier candidato, independientemente de su nacionalidad, origen, sexo, estilo de vida o ubicación.

Para calentar, aquí te dejamos un pequeño test de 20 preguntas que seguro te ayudará.

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Job interview: 8 questions to master right now in order to get your dream job!

Job interview: 8 questions to master right now in order to get your dream job!

Job interview questions are probably one of the main sources of nervousness during the job search that we can face.

Here are some tips!

There are key questions that can either get us to the next round or leave us out of the process.

The good news is that these job interview questions address a topic you know better than anyone else: yourself.

8 job interview questions you need to master.

It is not only to inquire about your work experience, your knowledge and your academic preparation, the interview is also focused on knowing your personality, how you will face the challenges at work, how you relate to people.

That’s why we give you some tips to answer these job interview questions:

  1. Tell me about yourself
    It has a well thought-out objective for the recruiter: to know what you have to offer, as an employee and as a person, to the company.

How you work, in what areas you have experience and why you can be a valuable asset to an organization.

These types of job interview questions add personal experiences that can complement your profile, such as how disciplined your habits are, your desire to learn by watching documentaries, or how you enjoy reading a new book.

Be sure to be honest in your answer!

  1. Why are you looking for a job / Why did you leave your previous job?
    It’s a big mistake to complain about how badly you were treated at your former company.

Instead, focus on the new goals you are looking to achieve and the challenges you expect from a new job.

If you talk negatively about the company, boss or coworkers from your previous job, you will give a bad impression, even if you are right. Talk about improvement and growth, not dissatisfaction.

It is not bad to mention that you feel stagnant or that you do not think you have more opportunities in your current company, but always highlighting your desire to move forward.

It is also not bad to mention that the company had to make staff cuts, unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted small and large companies, so it is important to be honest with the reason for your departure.

  1. What is your biggest flaw?
    With this type of job interview question, the recruiter is interested in two key aspects of you:
  • Your ability to own up to your mistakes.
  • Your ability to correct them

They want to know if you are the type of person who welcomes criticism and strives to improve, or rather the type who denies mistakes and is reluctant to change habits.

Don’t fall for the cliché answers: ‘I’m too much of a perfectionist’, ‘I’m too responsible’, ‘I get stressed if something doesn’t go right’. They don’t help you and many people answer that.

We suggest you take a psychometric test that reveals your areas of opportunity (at OCCMundial you can take a free test) or focus on a skill that is important for your career, but not determinant for the position.

For example, if you are a web programmer you can say that your weakness is public speaking; that is, it would be good if you learned to let yourself go when speaking in front of an audience, but your job will be programming, not organizing events. This way you will be honest, but you will not put your job at risk.

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  1. Why did you have a short tenure in your previous job?
    This question will come up if the recruiter identifies a short tenure or a pattern of short employment relationships in your history.

This is normal: they are concerned that you are unstable.

It’s okay to argue that you’re looking for a more challenging opportunity, or that the job didn’t turn out to be what you expected. Remember that it is not a good idea to speak negatively about former employers.

  1. What are your salary expectations?
    If it’s your first interview, you don’t want to put a price tag on yourself just yet.

You can make time with answers like “I am looking for a competitive salary but it is not the only thing that interests me, I would like to know more about the functions and challenges of the position” or “I think I need more details about the position to know what would be the right salary”.

“If from the first job interview you are looking to talk about salary you can get burned out. The first interview is about getting to know each other”.

Gerardo García, salary consultant and chief information officer at Mercer.

Although there may also be occasions in which from the first interview all the details of the position and the company are discussed, so if you are sure and you already know how much salary you are looking for, it is also a good time to talk about it.

In many occasions it is according to how the interview flows.

  1. Tell me about a time in your work life when you made a mistake, how did you solve it?
    This type of questions are classic in a job interview and are focused on going beyond the answers given and questioning the candidate on how he/she reacts to different situations.

You may be asked for examples of conflict resolution, stress, honesty, integrity, etc.

The objective is for you to demonstrate with examples what kind of employee you are and how you act or react to these types of situations. Be prepared in advance to give concrete examples from your professional life.

  1. Why should we hire you and not other candidates?
    Leave your insecurity aside and sell yourself. This is the time to speak well of yourself, highlight your skills, qualities and experience.

Example: “The experience I have acquired in X area allows me to have the necessary skills to meet and exceed your expectations for the position”.

  1. How do you balance work and life?
    People ask this interview question for all kinds of reasons. Some want to assess your dedication to work, while others want to hear that you’re not the kind of person who only lives to work.

Example: “I am pretty good at balancing work and life. I am able to leave the day behind me and shift gears to spend time with friends and family. I think it’s really easy for me to get by”.

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Use your knowledge of your interviewer’s values and the work culture to tailor your answer a bit, without making up a story about yourself that isn’t true.

It will also help to talk about the company, for example: “I know that the company is looking to position itself in the market, and I am interested in being part of the team in charge of meeting that goal. Show your passion and talk about how you will work to achieve the company’s key goals.

Should you like to practice with us, this is the right place! Feel free to visit!

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Why voting in this election is so important?

Why voting in this election is so important?

Today is an unprecedented election day, not only because of the number of positions at stake, but also because it is the first time that we implement a large number of affirmative actions in favor of historically discriminated groups: people living with disabilities, indigenous people, Afro-Mexicans, Mexican migrants living abroad and members of the LGBTTTIQ+ community, so that their existence, needs and interests are no longer invisible.
It is also the first process in which we implemented the reform on political violence against women based on gender, as well as the constitutional reform of “parity in everything”, which made possible the parity nomination in the candidacies for governorships.

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Today, the right to vote is recognized equally for women and men, but this has not always been the case; women have had to conquer citizenship rights gradually over time. In Athens, for example, only free men over 18 years of age were citizens -that is, women, slaves and resident aliens could not be citizens-, citizenship was acquired by birth; it was considered a privilege that was not available to everyone, only some men could exercise their vote and have a voice in the assemblies so that political power rested only with them.

It was not until the 19th and 20th centuries that social movements arose, driven by groups that had been denied their fundamental rights and, thus, also claimed the value of the vote. For example, in the United States, African-Americans obtained the right to vote in 1870, while women were able to exercise their right to vote in 1920. In Mexico, efforts to guarantee political rights -among them the right to vote- have not been easy and have been the result of a permanent struggle. It was from the reforms to Articles 34 and 115 of the Magna Carta that women’s suffrage was recognized at the federal level until 1953.

Several decades later, we repeatedly obviate the value that the right to vote has -something similar to what happens with freedom-, they are conditions that we now have within reach and no one questions; but they are also rights that have involved countless battles of excluded groups or people. The right to equal suffrage represents an invaluable citizen conquest; today, we can affirm that universal suffrage is a minimum condition of democracy and one of the most relevant civic duties in any democratic system, given that it allows the majorities to elect and legitimize our representatives and rulers.

When we vote we not only elect a person, we also decide for a project of nation, of social order and for the future to which we aspire. For this reason, we have to reevaluate the possibility of going to the polls to vote for both women and men.

It is essential that citizens get involved, propose, question and participate, because only in this way can truly democratic changes be achieved. Therefore, co-responsibility for the decisions made at the ballot box is an obligation for all citizens. In order to participate in the future and have an impact on change, it is imperative that we value the power of our decisions at the ballot box. Through our participation we can influence the public sphere and this begins by casting an informed vote, aware of its value and its implications.

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Fighting for the full recognition of rights, for the inclusion of others and for ensuring free and egalitarian environments have been extremely valuable battles for humanity. That is why participation is fundamental: to steer the course of democracy. Only then will we discern whether we are moving forward or simply remain stuck in cycles based on growth and crisis, war and peace, and the rise and fall of our democracy.

Undoubtedly, the struggles that past generations have endured to consolidate all that we have achieved so far have been worth it. We cannot betray that spirit nor forget the road we have traveled; if we truly want to change the environment in which we live, we must first begin by modifying our most immediate reality. Thus, voting becomes a substantive element to advance in this process; to consolidate a better world.